Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Chapter

The latest chapter in the as yet unnamed story (see tab above) is up. I apologize for the weird format, so if you haven't yet read the first chapter, you'll have to scroll down to the bottom to find it. In this part of the story, I introduce Amy Pren, Diddle's mother. She doesn't play a very big role in the story, but her personality surprised me, and I plan on including her in a later story with a bigger role. Judging by this chapter, I'd say Amy and Diddle argue a lot. I'd also say Diddle usually wins on the important stuff. I like to give my female characters strong personalities, even if they seem mild at first. Amy has her fits of temper whenever her son is doing something dangerous, much like Sisk, who I will introduce later on in the book. She' kind, however, and knows when arguing against Diddle's sense of curiosity is useless. I have high hopes for her character.

Diddle, on the other hand, is full of energy, talkative, and insatiably curious about everything. He's not very hard to write for, since he knows exactly who he is and what he wants to do. I've discovered that writing for a shy character is a lot harder than writing for someone who is talkative or has a temper. "There was an awkward silence" only takes up half a line.

On a different note, I hope everyone's enjoying my work, or at least not hating it too much. Feel free to offer ideas or comments, because I definitely still have some work to do.

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