Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lost Things

There's a new story under the short story tab up above. I found this one lurking in the depths of an old notebook, leftover from some day in studyhall when I had nothing better to do than wonder what it would be like to literally lose your voice. It's a small story, but then, it's a small idea. I probably have half a dozen such stories squirreled away in forgotten notebooks sitting in the bottoms of desk drawers, many of them there for a reason, unfortunately. This one seemed like something I would, were it possible, end up doing a lot. 

If you haven't already, read Gooseberry Sea, also under short stories. For anyone who's had a cat get up from their lap and leave a solid mat of shed fur, you've probably heard the phrase, "you could make another cat out of that." Well...

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