Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Flying Cats

Here's where the name for this blog came from--the flying cats.
I drew these two for a short story I wrote last year for an English class. I'm not including the story itself here for two reasons: 1-It's not really that short, and 2--it seemed a lot more complex than most of my short stories, as if it needed an entire book to really get to the heart of everything. The main characters--Bandit (black and white cat) and Minerva (gray cat)--had distinct personalities that I realized I would enjoy using in a full-length book, and the way the plot was beginning to unfold, it couldn't really be confined to ten pages and still sound like it should have.
The original story was called "The Cats of London", since that's where it takes place. Bandit believes himself to be the last of his kind--an ancient race of cats that retained their wings even after the domestic ones came back to earth and abandoned the skies. Bandit is surprised to find that there are others, and that they've banded together against the scourge of abnormally large rats that have begun to infest the city.

That's about as far as I've gotten, but I think I will eventually focus on this one, once I've worked my way through the dozens of other ideas that seem to pop into my head on a weekly basis. It's not very high on my list of priorities, but I figured I'd share it since I found the picture.

As usual, the next chapter in Centaur Ranch is up. If you haven't read the first chapters, I'll be publishing the whole thing on soon, so look for it then.

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