Monday, October 22, 2012


I will offer no explanation for this segment, save that it comes from a larger story that I'm currently working on. As to what happens next, I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you to wonder about that, since I'm only partially sure of that myself and the story's still in a somewhat skeletal stage, where all I really know is the characters and the eventual outcome of this adventure. I'm pleased with the beginning, though....

By definition, it is impossible to expect the unexpected. Yet somehow, I had a feeling something was about to happen that spring, though I had absolutely no clue what that something could be. I almost think sometimes that I wanted something to happen, and that maybe, through some inexplicable power that I'm not even aware of myself, I pulled a few fatelines that set this whole crazy mess in motion and almost ended in the destruction of an underground government of supposedly mythical beings.
Or not. I'll never know for sure. All I can do is record everything that happened during that month,and maybe even publish my accounts in the Overworld in case  there's someone out there who will believe me. If there isn't, that's perfectly fine with me. This can be a work of fiction if you like, and I'm sure every law of space and matter will agree that it's impossible for such a story to be true.
Remember, though, that with every lie comes a little hidden truth. Nothing in this world is truly arbitrary, and there is a reason we once feared the dark.

It was 2011 and I was twenty-two years old. 

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