Sunday, March 9, 2014

Winter Boredom

Winter breeds boredom. Boredom, for me, tends to breed drawings.

I love action drawings, especially when there appears to be a story behind them. These two are Diddle and Reel, and you'll probably remember them if you read the Centaur Ranch series I put up a while back. For those who didn't, the basic story behind the two of them is this:
The two of them met when Diddle (the human) was sucked into a plot led by his uncle Avon to call a greater demon into the human world. Reel (the centaur), along with four other centaurs, were caught up in the plot as well. In the end, the demon was sent back to where it belonged and Avon sent on a permanent hermitage somewhere off in the mountains, and Diddle and Reel ended up as apprentices under an older centaur by the name of Eric. The book ended there, but my intention is to go further.

These two are going to grow up as apprenticed journeyers. Their profession will be some sort of mix between peacekeepers and explorers, and they'll travel their world bringing news from city to city while exploring and mapping the regions in between. They'll end up getting pulled into political situations all across their world, and have to think or fight their way through each time. Eric, their teacher, is schooling them in everything from cross-country running to cooking to debate to hand-to-hand combat. Their trade was of his invention to begin with, so they're basically the first of their kind.

Of this drawing specifically, I'd say there's something going on, but I don't quite know what. Considering Diddle's personality (mischievous and bold), not to mention his expression and the fact that he appears to be standing guard, I'd say the two of them are doing something they're not supposed to. Reel is a much more nervous character than Diddle, so it wouldn't be overly dangerous. The rope suggests they're setting something up, which smacks of a prank, and their being journeyers out in the middle of nowhere would suggest that the only person they could be playing said prank on is Eric. Where it goes from here, though, is yet to be seen.

So there--my duty as blogger done for the week. My plan is to have another post ready for next Saturday as a makeup for my skipped week last Saturday, and I dearly hope nothing will crop up in between.

To my readers--hang in there, we're almost out of the winter snows, and as always, happy reading!

S.R. Koch

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