Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Brain

I alluded last post to some strange find that my dad made while we were in Montana. I was planning on doing a post on it, but we have yet to get full information on the object in question and I would prefer to hold off until we know all the details. However, I will state the basics:

My dad found the fossilized brain of an ancient flying reptile. 

The term for the object is 'endocast', meaning it isn't the brain itself, but a cast of the inside of the skull that was made when mud and minerals seeped into the brain cavity, the mud hardened into rock, and the skull around it weathered away to reveal a perfect brain-shaped lump. We suspect it's some sort of pterosaur, probably related to the species Anhanguera, and we have had the university of Ohio asking to take CAT scans of it so that they might have a digital copy of it to study. We still don't entirely know what to do with it and are waiting for feedback from an old friend who might have an idea, but we are very excited and I can't wait to find out more about the animal it once was.
 I'll report back once I know the facts, but for now, here's a short poem-like thing (that doesn't rhyme) that I wrote once while I was going out of my mind from boredom during math class....

You know me well.
I am the bringer of tempests, of storms and great change.
I make the earth tremble, make fire spew to the skies. 
I raze great cities and topple empires to the ground.
There are none who oppose me, at least not for long.
Egypt knew me as Sekhmet, the Greeks as Ares.
I am the vengeance of the earth,
And I am greatly displeased.

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