Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Great Jacket Project

 I can't believe I've never thought of this before.

For the longest time, I've had a pale gray American Eagle sweatshirt that I got second-hand from a friend. The other day, during English class, I was wearing this sweatshirt, and in my right hand, I was holding a sharpie. I was staring at the cuff of the sweatshirt, and I was seized by the sudden urge to draw all over it. It then occurred to me that the entire sweatshirt was a huge, blank canvas just waiting to be drawn on.

 At home, I found that I had a package of mostly unused fabric markers. I dug these out of a closet, and set to work drawing vines on the cuffs of the sleeves. My original intention was to do vines all down the arms and over the shoulders, but another idea occurred to me. Before I knew it, I had a squid down one arm, a lizard down the other, a cat on the hood, and a stag beetle on the back. I also filled in the eagle outline on the front, and added a little fish with a wide-eyed look of terror for it to chase.
 Basically, this is how I've spent my Saturday.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I started this one as a rough sketch in a notebook when I had five minutes left of Chemistry class. I had the idea of doing a fairy with the features of a dragonfly, and worked it into the drawing with the double wings, the layered plates on the chest, and the thick tail.
As to the creature's story, I haven't really come up with much for that. I suspect it will be part of the story with the nighthawk warriors, and it will be a distant relative to the wingless fey folk. Beyond that, I'll need to start writing the story itself to figure out the abilities and personalities of these creatures.

On another note, the latest chapter of Centaur Ranch is up. The plot has been advancing towards the climactic finale, with Diddle unearthing some of the plans his uncle has been making for himself and the ranch. After a fight between a somewhat less than congenial genie and a vengeful flaming balefire, Diddle's now on his way to tell Nero what he learned while hiding in the dumbwaiter in his uncle's secret room. What happens next? Better read to find out.