Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lost Things

There's a new story under the short story tab up above. I found this one lurking in the depths of an old notebook, leftover from some day in studyhall when I had nothing better to do than wonder what it would be like to literally lose your voice. It's a small story, but then, it's a small idea. I probably have half a dozen such stories squirreled away in forgotten notebooks sitting in the bottoms of desk drawers, many of them there for a reason, unfortunately. This one seemed like something I would, were it possible, end up doing a lot. 

If you haven't already, read Gooseberry Sea, also under short stories. For anyone who's had a cat get up from their lap and leave a solid mat of shed fur, you've probably heard the phrase, "you could make another cat out of that." Well...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Where ideas come from.

Some of the greatest ideas in history come from boredom. Ping-pong, for example, and I would suspect most of the hairstyles from the 80s (actually, lunacy probably had something to do with those).
The Portal Project was my boredom invention. One day, I was sick of working on my current book, but I wanted to write something. I basically began with my own day--sitting on the front porch eating Raisin Bran--and began to run with the idea from there. The next thing I knew, there were aliens crashing into a building down the street, and the universe was suddenly composed of a huge chain of infinite worlds connected by portals. I found that writing for explorers is a lot of fun, since I can switch worlds if I get bored of the current settings. I have great hopes for this series.

Friday, May 25, 2012

In the beginning...

...There was a story.

Well, half a story, I should say.
My stories began with the tale of a man with wings. That story...well...died, but everything I've written since has had a little of that first story in it:
My latest story is that of Diddle Pren and his notorious uncle Avon. I won't spoil the story by giving away anything here, but I invite you nevertheless to follow the tale as I post it chapter by chapter once a week. I'm not quite done with it yet, so you should know that there may be gaps where I'm trying to catch up with the story.
I welcome any comments or ideas!