Saturday, January 11, 2014


I would like to announce a contest.
I am looking for subscribers to my blog. I would hope, by now, that Flying Cat Circus has proved itself worthy of its viewers, and I would like to form a list of subscribers who would get regular updates whenever I post something new. If that isn't incentive enough, well, then I'll bait you.
I will award a hand-drawn t-shirt to the twentieth subscriber to my blog. If you haven't before, check out "The Great Jacket Project" somewhere back in the blog history. After the winner is determined, I will ask that they send their shirt size, mailing address, and any designs they would like to have included on the shirt to I will then draw up a custom t-shirt and mail it to them. This is an experiment, so I'm interested to see how this turns out.
The best of luck, and as always, happy reading.

S.R. Koch.

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